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49 Times Around the Sun

Hello - Bonjour - Hola - G'day - Ciao - Aloha - Hallo -Nin Hao - Shalom - Sawubona - Zdrah Stvooy - Ola - Namaste - Sain Baina Uu

We all have an incredible story, mine began with an Estonian Father and an Irish Mom who chose to bring me up on an island in the Puget Sound. It sounds a tad obscure, but I bet, YOUR story is just as surreal.

Though I have been married, as well as divorced; defined as a mom, a friend, and an employer; have changed diapers, paid mortgages, and buried loved ones....the one never changing constant in my life? Pushing aside the fear of the unknown, and exploring the world. Discover the street around the corner and the village three thousand miles away. Don't let anyone or anything define you, and likewise don't pre judge who and what you don't know. Everyone has an amazing story, and learning those stories is truly what makes our lives rich and fulfilling, complete.

What would you do if you were not afraid to fail?

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